Nation Building – infrastructure – Building Education Revolution

Nation Building – infrastructure – Building Education Revolution

Posted 17 April 2012

Public spending must be done effectively and always represent good value for the money spent. Like any long term debit, the money repaid with interest: can represent two or three times the original debit.

Whilst public spending during the global financial crisis was undertaken by governments to maintain employment and avoid a recession; there is little additional benefit in paying, in some cases twice the typical price or more, for programs: such as the construction of school buildings in the federal government’s Building Education Revolution. Primarily caused by excessive government spending that saturated the building industry; and a lack of accountability or auditing measures being in place.

A lack of consultation occurred, where schools were unable to determine the most suitable buildings they were needed: instead receiving buildings with little purpose. This in itself represents a waste of monies.

Local government are adept at delivering services at a community level. They are resourced with various departments, such as purchasing, building, etc.

It would be far more effective if we were to remove the ‘silo’ mentality of federal, state and local government; so that each segment of government could increasingly work effectively together for the good of the community.

This is an excellent example of where local government could be greater utilised in federal government program delivery.

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